HigherEdRecords Controller
API | Description |
POST services/higheredrecords/createuser |
Create onboarding user |
POST services/higheredrecords/managenewhiredata |
Manage new hire data |
POST services/higheredrecords/getusers |
Get Users matching the search criteria |
POST services/higheredrecords/assignchecklist |
Create onboarding user |
POST services/higheredrecords/updateuser |
Update user |
POST services/higheredrecords/managesupervisor |
Get Users matching the search criteria |
API | Description |
POST services/course/management/recommendation/detail |
Gets information on the classes recommended for the given ProcessAssignedStepId |
POST services/course/management/recommendations |
Gets information on the Teacher Evaluation Processes returns if there has been a recommendation for the given ProcessStepId |
API | Description |
POST services/messaging/publish |
Publish a message for subscriptions |
POST services/messaging/retry |
Retry a message |
POST services/messaging/scheduledpublish |
Schedule a message publish |
POST services/messaging/scheduledretry |
Schedule a message retry |
POST services/messaging/activetypes |
get active deatils of any type and product |
POST services/messaging/callbackstatus |
Subscribers response for the request |
API | Description |
POST services/onboarding/checklist |
Retrieve a Checklist from a provider |
POST services/onboarding/employees |
Send an Employee to a provider |
POST services/onboarding/employees/v2 |
Send an Employee to a provider |
POST services/onboarding/orgunit |
Send an Organization Unit to a provider |
POST services/onboarding/jobtype |
Retrieve a JobType from a provider |
API | Description |
POST eternia/by/the/power/of/grayskull |
By The Power Of Grayskull |
POST eternia/i/have/the/power |
I Have the Power! |
POST eternia/test/payload |
Test generic payload |
GET eternia/heman/ascii |
Beautiful He-Man Ascii art |
GET eternia/motu/emojis |
Masters of the Universe Emojis |
GET eternia/motu/random/string |
Random String Generator |
API | Description |
POST services/appswitcher/product |
Product entity CRUD endpoint |
POST services/appswitcher/client/product |
ClientProduct entity CRUD endpoint |
GET services/appswitcher/appswitcherproducts/{clientId} |
AppSwitcher UI endpoint |
API | Description |
POST services/verification/i9/complete |
I9CompleteVerificationComponentRequest |
POST services/verification/i9/generate |
I9GenerateVerificationComponentRequest |
POST services/verification/i9/generate/v2 |
I9GenerateVerificationComponentRequest |
POST services/verification/i9/location |
I9LocationVerificationComponentRequest |
POST services/verification/i9/status |
I9StatusVerificationComponentRequest |
POST services/verification/i9/view |
I9ViewVerificationComponentRequest |
POST services/verification/background/reports |
Get Completed Report |
POST services/verification/background/packages |
Get Packages |
POST services/verification/background/run |
Run Background Check |
Identity Controller
API | Description |
POST services/identity/consumerlogin |
Validates Users against Product Database |
POST services/identity/consumers |
Lists the consumers for a user with link status |
POST services/identity/passwordreset |
Reset a user's password |
POST services/identity/passwordreset/validate |
Retrieve Password Reset Id |
POST services/identity/passwordreset/validateandsend |
Send a reset password email to the user |
POST services/identity/sso/federation |
Get Federation Id from MOTU System. |
POST services/identity/saml/generateform |
Retrieve a SamlForm by submitting a FederationId |
POST services/identity/saml/validate |
Validate a Saml response against correct product keys |
POST services/identity/user/validate |
Validate a user Saml token against a client's certificate |
GET services/identity/OAuth2Callback?state={state}&preview={preview} |
Issue redirect for OAuth token processing based on URL found by clientId in the state parameter |
API | Description |
POST services/edg |
ProcessData entity POST service endpoint |
POST services/edg/event |
Retrieve the list of process data events for a given process tag |
POST services/edg/payload |
Retrieve the palyoad for the given process data event |
POST services/edg/search |
Aggregate search for process data entities |
API | Description |
POST services/schoolspring/valuelist |
Get list of data |
POST services/schoolspring/jobcategory |
Get list of jobcategories |
GET services/schoolspring/schoolspringconfiguration |
Get list of jobcategories, GradeLevels and JobTypes |
POST services/schoolspring/candidate/search |
Saves to candidate search |
POST services/schoolspring/candidate/eblast/search |
Get candidate counts for eblasts |
POST services/schoolspring/candidate/eblast/download |
Get list of eblasts |
POST services/schoolspring/candidate/eblast/campaign |
Get list of eblasts |
POST services/schoolspring/candidate/eblast/history |
Get list of eblasts history |
API | Description |
POST services/scheduling/time |
Send information to TCP |
API | Description |
POST services/erm/apipostsubscription |
CRUD endpoint for apipostsubscriptions |
POST services/erm/emailsubscription |
CRUD endpoint for emailsubscriptions |
POST services/erm/publishedmessage |
CRUD endpoint for published message |
POST services/erm/publishedmessage/value |
CRUD endpoint for published message value |
POST services/erm/publishedmessageactivity |
CRUD endpoint for published message activity |
POST services/erm/sftpsubscription |
CRUD endpoint for sftpsubscriptions |
POST services/erm/subscription |
CRUD endpoint for subscriptions |
POST services/erm/syncsubscription |
CRUD endpoint for syncsubscriptions |
POST services/erm/topic |
CRUD endpoint for subscriptions |
POST services/erm/syncconsumer |
Read endpoint for retrieving a list of Consumers which are subscribed to the Sync9 Topic. |
API | Description |
POST services/talented/products |
Get list of products |
API | Description |
GET {key}/{preview} |
Handles Url Shortening to Full Url |
POST shorturl |
Create a short url |
API | Description |
POST services/notification/send |
Send Communications to multiple providers |
POST services/notification/send/bulk |
Send bulk messages to Postmark |
POST services/notification/social |
Send notifications to Social Media Websites |
API | Description |
POST security/authorization/tokenrequest |
Generate an AuthenticationToken for use with all other endpoints |
POST security/authorization/productlogin |
Endpoint to login to another PA product |
POST security/authorization/verify |
Endpoint to determine if an Auth token is valid |
POST security/authorization/external/signon |
Endpoint to determine if 3rd Party Auth Enabled |
GET security/authorization/supersecretroute_donotcallthis_eminentdangerawaits |
Ignore this |
API | Description |
POST services/fileprocessor/resume/parse |
Parse data from a resume |
POST services/fileprocessor/convert2pdf/s3 |
Convert an array of documents from S3 to a single merged PDF that is stored back into S3 |
API | Description |
POST services/furious/assessment |
Assessment entity CRUD service endpoint |
POST services/furious/measure |
Measure entity CRUD service endpoint |
POST services/furious/measureitem |
MeasureItem entity CRUD service endpoint |
POST services/furious/measuretype |
MeasureType entity CRUD service endpoint |
POST services/furious/ratingscale |
RatingScale entity CRUD service endpoint |
POST services/furious/scale |
Scale entity CRUD service endpoint |
POST services/furious/scoringmethod |
ScoringMethod entity CRUD service endpoint |
API | Description |
POST services/documentprocessor/spellchecker |
Spellcheck a string of data. |
API | Description |
POST services/jobscheduler/descriptor |
Get a readable string from a Cron Expression |
API | Description |
POST services/cgs/accusourceclientintegration |
AccuSourceClientIntegration entity CRUD service endpoint |
POST services/cgs/bibclientintegration |
BIBClientIntegration entity CRUD service endpoint |
POST services/cgs/client |
Client entity CRUD service endpoint |
POST services/cgs/client/consumer |
ClientConsumer entity CRUD service endpoint |
POST services/cgs/clientintegration |
ClientIntegration entity CRUD service endpoint |
POST services/cgs/clientlocation |
ClientLocation entity CRUD service endpoint |
POST services/cgs/client/syncconfiguration |
ClientSyncConfiguration entity CRUD service endpoint |
POST services/cgs/consumer |
Consumer entity CRUD service endpoint |
POST services/cgs/databasescheduledjob |
DatabaseScheduledJob CRUD service endpoint |
POST services/cgs/epiclientintegration |
ClientIntegration entity CRUD service endpoint |
POST services/cgs/externalapipostscheduledjob |
ExternalApiPostScheduledJob CRUD service endpoint |
POST services/cgs/group |
Group entity CRUD service endpoint |
POST services/cgs/i9advantageclientintegration |
ClientIntegration entity CRUD service endpoint |
POST services/cgs/i9advantageclientlocation |
ClientLocation entity CRUD service endpoint |
POST services/cgs/integration |
Integration entity CRUD service endpoint |
POST services/cgs/joblog |
JobLog Filter endpoint |
POST services/cgs/joblog/value |
JobLogValue Filter endpoint |
POST services/cgs/job |
Job Filter endpoint |
POST services/cgs/jobtypes |
Job Types endpoint |
POST services/cgs/motuapipostscheduledjob |
MotuApiPostScheduledJob CRUD service endpoint |
POST services/cgs/productloginclientintegration |
ProductLoginClientIntegration entity CRUD service endpoint |
POST services/cgs/rivsclientintegration |
RivsClientIntegration entity CRUD service endpoint |
POST services/cgs/pmeducatorclientintegration |
PmEducatorClientIntegration entity CRUD service endpoint |
POST services/cgs/role |
Basic querying of data from CGS |
POST services/cgs/sparkhireclientintegration |
SparkHireClientIntegration entity CRUD service endpoint |
POST services/cgs/sparkhireclientlocation |
ClientLocation entity CRUD service endpoint |
POST services/cgs/timeclockplusclientintegration |
TimeClockPlusClientIntegration entity CRUD service endpoint |
POST services/cgs/user |
Basic querying of data from CGS |
POST services/cgs/user/component |
Basic querying of data from CGS |
POST services/cgs/user/federation |
Basic querying of data from CGS |
POST services/cgs/user/username |
Determine if a username is in use |
POST services/cgs/user/password |
Change a user's password |
POST services/cgs/user/resetpassword |
Reset a user's password |
GET services/cgs/clientintegrationconfiguration?clientId={clientId} |
This endpoint will return client integration configuration for given client id |
API | Description |
POST services/survey/assessments |
Send an Assessment to a Client |
POST services/survey/assessments/epilink |
Get a Link to an Epi test |
POST services/survey/assessments/generatelink |
Generate a link for an assessment test |
POST services/survey/assessments/status |
Send Assessment Status to a Provider |
POST services/survey/furious/score |
Send Furious Score to a Provider |
POST services/survey/furious/score/find |
Find Furious Score from a Provider |
POST services/survey/interviews/jobs |
Create/Update/Delete Interview Job |
POST services/survey/interviews/questionsets |
Read Interview Question Sets |
POST services/survey/interviews/schedule |
Create/Read/Delete Interview |
POST services/survey/interviews/status |
Read Interview Status |
API | Description |
GET services/eoa/healthcheck |
HealthCheck route |
GET services/eoa/healthcheck/queues?sortBy={sortBy} |
RabbitMQ Queue Information |
GET services/eoa/healthcheck/servers |
MOTU Server Information |
POST services/eoa/healthcheck/servers |
MOTU Server Status Update |
GET services/eoa/healthcheck/overview |
RabbitMQ System Information |
GET services/eoa/status?processTag={processTag}&debugInfo={debugInfo} |
Status route |
GET services/eoa/evergreen |
Evergreen, Hierarchy of Modules/Components/Providers |
POST services/eoa/requestbin |
RequestBin endpoint |
PUT services/eoa/requestbin/{requestbinid} |
RequestBin endpoint |
GET services/eoa/requestbin/{requestbinid} |
RequestBin endpoint |
POST services/eoa/requestbin/{requestbinid} |
RequestBin endpoint |
DELETE services/eoa/requestbin/{requestbinid} |
RequestBin endpoint |
UserManagement Controller
API | Description |
POST services/usermanagement/securitygroups |
get security groups |
POST services/usermanagement/clientproducts |
ClientConsumer entity CRUD service endpoint |
POST services/usermanagement/usersecuritygroups |
User Management UserSecurityGroups will provide User product role mapping. |
POST services/usermanagement/userprofile |
User Management User Profile will provide user profile details with all required information. |
POST services/usermanagement/sync9/consumers |
Sync9 consumer endpoint will provide all the consumer details for the given district. |
POST services/usermanagement/userprofilesdistrict |
User Management User Profiles District will provide user profiles details with all required information under input client. |
API | Description |
POST services/jobboard/jobs |
Send Jobs to multiple providers |
POST services/jobboard/applicant/event |
Send an Applicant Event |
POST services/jobboard/jobalert |
Send a Job Alert broadcast |
API | Description |
POST services/formbuilder/form |
Form entity CRUD service endpoint |
POST services/formbuilder/formversion |
FormVersion entity CRUD service endpoint |
POST services/formbuilder/formversion/archive |
Archive a form version |
POST services/formbuilder/formversion/publish |
Publish a form version from a draft |